Feasibility of the AveCure Microwave Ablation Technology for the Bronchoscopic Treatment of Malignant Central Airway Obstructions

Feasibility of the AveCure Microwave Ablation Technology for the Bronchoscopic Treatment of Malignant Central Airway Obstructions


This research study is a prospective, single-arm, cohort study to evaluate the feasibility of Microwave Ablation (MWA) Probe for the bronchoscopic treatment of malignant lesions causing central airway obstructions (COA). The AveCure prob will be placed in contact with the COA to treat with energy.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved this intervention for use throughout the body, but it has not been approved for the specific indication of central airway obstruction.

Research study procedures include screening for eligibility, hospitalization for bronchoscopy and MWA, blood tests, survey questionnaires, Computerized Tomography (CT) scan imaging, and pulmonary function tests.

Participation in this research study is expected to last about 6 months.

It is expected that about 10 people will take part in this research study.

MedWaves, Inc is funding this research study by providing the ablation probe and generator.