Safety and Effectiveness of Ozurdex Steroid Implants for DME After Vitrectomy Surgery

Safety and Effectiveness of Ozurdex Steroid Implants for DME After Vitrectomy Surgery


A total of 15 patients will be enrolled into the study. This is a 3 year randomized controlled study with the primary endpoint at 1 year. Secondary safety and efficacy endpoints will be evaluated in year 2 and year 3.

Patients will be randomly enrolled into 1 of 3 groups:

Group 1: Dexamethasone administered up to every 3 months Group 2: Dexamethasone administered up to every 6 months Group 3: Sham

Patients will be evaluated on a monthly basis with ETDRS visual acuity, intraocular pressure, fundus examination and OCT.

Ozurdex (dexamethasone) or Sham Procedure will be performed on Day 0. All patients will be evaluated monthly thereafter. One month following initial injection/sham, patients will be evaluated for focal or grid laser treatment if the investigator feels the patient will benefit.

Re-implantation of Ozurdex may occur at any time > 3 months following last injection in group 1 and > 6 months following last injection in group 2 if any of the following conditions are met:

Increase of > 50 microns from the best previous CRT measurement

Recurrence of intraretinal cystic edema

Persistent intraretinal cystic edema

At 13 months, patients in the sham group will be eligible for Ozurdex implantation if initial inclusion/exclusion criteria are met. These patients would follow re-implantation guidelines of group 2 (up to every 6 months).