Pilot Study About Safety and Efficacy of Atomized Intrapleural Lidocaine During Pleuroscopy

Pilot Study About Safety and Efficacy of Atomized Intrapleural Lidocaine During Pleuroscopy


Most patient discomfort results from direct manipulation or contact with the parietal pleura during chest tube placement, talc instillation or pleural biopsy. This study intends to use combined IV, intradermal and intrapleural anesthesia during pleuroscopy procedures. Intrapleural atomized lidocaine will be applied directly to the parital pleura. This study will evaluate intravenous anesthesia reduction in subjects treated with intrapleural lidocaine, reduction in total procedure timeby minimizing interruptions due to poor pain control, reduce perioperative pain scores and improve patient comfort nad to determine safety of fixed dosage of 3 mg/kg intrapleural lidocaine given during pleuroscopy.