A Phase I/II Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Vaccinations With Allogeneic Dendritic Cells: Autologous Tumor-Derived Cells Subjected to Electrofusions in Patients With AJCC Stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma

A Phase I/II Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Vaccinations With Allogeneic Dendritic Cells: Autologous Tumor-Derived Cells Subjected to Electrofusions in Patients With AJCC Stage IV Renal Cell Carcinoma


Patients undergo tumor aquisition and short-term tumor cell cultures are established. Leukopheresis is performed monocyte-derived DC are generated ex-vivo by standard culture techniques, utilizing GM-CSF and Il-4. PEG fusions are generated, and following irradiation, the vaccine is frozen. The thawed vaccine is administered SC into a single site every three weeks. Each study is examining a dose-escalating strategy based apon the number PEG-fused generated from the PEG process that expressed both tumor cell and DC markers as determined by immune staining.