Pharmacist Assisted Medication Program Enhancing the Regulation of Diabetes

Pharmacist Assisted Medication Program Enhancing the Regulation of Diabetes


It is evident that a multi-disciplinary approach is key to the success in controlling the disease of diabetes and its complications. The value of pharmacists' involvement in disease state management in producing positive outcomes for patients has been well documented in the literature. There have been several studies that have shown that pharmacists' involvement in diabetes care improves glycemic control. There are also studies that look at pharmacists' management of glycemic control and adherence to the ADA guidelines. Many of these studies are retrospective, lack a randomized control group, had a small study sample, or were short term. We undertook a prospective, randomized study to demonstrate that pharmacists working collaboratively with physicians and other providers in an ambulatory care setting can improve glucose, blood pressure, and lipid control, as well as improve quality of life, adherence to screening and general preventative measures.