Docetaxel Followed by Radical Prostatectomy in Patients With High Risk Localized Prostate Cancer

Docetaxel Followed by Radical Prostatectomy in Patients With High Risk Localized Prostate Cancer


Participants will receive treatment in the outpatient clinic, where the docetaxel chemotherapy will be placed in a bag of fluid and will be given by vein every three weeks. Participants will take Decadron (dexamethasone) by mouth 12 hours and 1 hour before docetaxel and again 12 hours after docetaxel. They will also take estramustine and casodex by mouth at home. Zoladex (or lupron) will be given subcutaneously (under the skin) 4 times every three months. They will also be started on coumadin beginning at the time of the first docetaxel infusion and continuing until 3 weeks after the 4th cycle of chemotherapy.

After 2 months (or cycles) of therapy, participants will be evaluated in order to assess the response and toxicity of treatment, including a review of medical history, physical examination, blood tests, including PSA. If there is no evidence of progression or excessive toxicity, treatment will continue for 2 more months in the same manner.

At the end of 4 months of chemotherapy, participants will be reassessed by the medical oncologist and urologist regarding surgery to remove the prostate.