Study of Long-term Peg Intron vs. Colchicine in Non-responders.

Study of Long-term Peg Intron vs. Colchicine in Non-responders.


We are proposing a randomized trial of Peg-Intron 0.5mcg per kg weekly versus colchicine 0.6mg bid in prior non-responders to Interferon, Rebetron, PegIntron, or PegIntron & Ribavirin or any third agent such as Pegasys, CellCept, Amantadine with advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis. The specific aims of this proposal are to evaluate the role of long term Peg-Intron therapy on the natural history of patients with advanced chronic HCV infection with a primary focus on prevention of hepatic decompensation, progression of fibrosis and hepatoma development.

The study design will focus on 3 monthly clinical evaluation for decompensation of liver function, rigorous clinical screening for development of hepatocellular cancer and liver biopsies for determination of progression of liver fibrosis every second year.