In Vivo Leptin Signaling in Humans After Acute Leptin Administration

In Vivo Leptin Signaling in Humans After Acute Leptin Administration


Screening Visit During this visit, you will have a complete medical history taken and have a physical examination performed by one of the study physicians. You will also have your height and weight measured. You will have a blood drawn (approximately 2 tablespoons)and will have an electrocardiogram (EKG). At the screening visit you will also meet with a dietician who will review your food preferences with you in order to design the meals that you will receive as part of the study.

Study Day #1: You will pick up your meals designed with the dietician. You will be provided with meals for 48 hours prior to your fat biopsy. These meals will be designed by the dietician based upon what you like to eat. You will also have your Resting Metabolic Rate Measured.

Study Day #2: A nurse will will insert two intravenous catheters (IV) into a medium size vein in each of your forearms. You will then have two fat and muscle thigh biopsy. One before and one after leptin is given. You will stay in the hospital for three hours of observation. During this time you will have your Resting Metabolic Rate measured and then you will be provided with a meal.

Study Day #3: Seven to ten days after the biopsy, you will be asked to return to the hospital so that the surgeon can inspect the wound.

Your participation in this study will involve 3 study visits, which will be spread out over 3-4 weeks.