The Epidemiology and Approach to Differentiating Etiologies of Shock in the Emergency Department

The Epidemiology and Approach to Differentiating Etiologies of Shock in the Emergency Department


Specific Aim #1: To study the epidemiology of shock in the emergency department Hypothesis 1: We will better understand shock states if we determine shock etiology among patients presenting to the emergency department in a carefully conducted observational prospective study.

Specific Aim #2: To determine the accuracy of physician diagnosis for the underlying etiology of shock.

Hypothesis 2: Physician assessment of the underlying cause of shock is challenging and often inaccurate in the early stages of care in the emergency department.

Specific Aim #3: To optimize the evidence-based approach to assist in the diagnosis of shock etiology from elements readily available when a patient demonstrates shock physiology in the Emergency Department.

Hypothesis 3: An evidenced-based, standardized approach to clinical decision making integrating elements of the history, physical exam, and early testing will improve a physician's ability to accurately differentiate etiologies of shock.