This page includes clinical trials where organization or lead sponsor is BIDMC or Lahey Clinic as reported at

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials


The current study is a continuation of the 5 year extension study of the phase III CHAMPS study (see reference). This study was designed to determine if immediate initiation of therapy with Interferon Beta-1a (AVONEX) after a first attack of multiple sclerosis (MS) continues to delay the development of further attacks (CDMS) and the development of neurological disability over a 10 year period of observation. The initial 5 year extension study, called CHAMPIONS5, reported that immediate initiation of interferon Beta-1a (AVONEX) after a first attack of MS continued to delay the development of CDMS and lowered relapse rates compared to delayed initiation of disease modifying treatment (usually with AVONEX) either at the time of a second attack or at the end of the phase III study (24 months). The study was extended to 10 years to determine if these effects are sustained and result in less long term permanent disability.


A purpose of this protocol is to is to compare the metabolites of the toxic bioactivating pathway after acetaminophen alone or acetaminophen followed by Propylene Glycol (PG) and to determine if it prevents the formation of the toxic metabolites of acetaminophen.


The purpose of this study is to collect data while monitoring muscles and nerves during spine surgery. The data being collected and analyzed will be used to learn more about how the body's nerves and muscles are distributed and develop a map of human muscle innervation patterns.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)is a common disease and is suspected to be associated with sexual dysfunction. Our purpose is to sudy the effect of CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) treatment on patients' sexual dysfunction by measuring testosterone levels before and after CPAP treatments.


The aim of this study is to evaluate a simple and rapid method in order to better define and treat Polymyalgia Rheumatica by measuring levels of muscle achiness and pain with a blood pressure cuff.


The aim of the study is to assess the effect of short-term infusion of ketamine at analgesic dosage on the immune response, morbidity and mortality among patients suffering from septic shock. We hypothesize that ketamine will modulate the cytokine response to sepsis and reduce morbidity and mortality.


RATIONALE: Massage therapy may help relieve symptoms associated with cancer. It is not yet known which type of massage therapy is more effective in treating the symptoms of patients with cancer.

PURPOSE: This randomized clinical trial is studying different types of massage therapy to compare how well they work in treating the symptoms of patients with locally advanced or metastatic cancer.


The main purpose of this study is to assess factors mediating the changes in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance before and after 10 lbs ± or 2% weight loss reduction as well as 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after initiation of a low calorie diet.

The investigators will also study the following:

The impact of diet induced weight loss on hormones/adipokine levels

The impact of diet induced weight loss on leptin tolerance


Specific Aim #1: To determine if levels of CoQ10 are low post-cardiac arrest (CA). We will perform a prospective trial with the primary endpoint of describing the prevalence of low serum CoQ10 levels.

Specific Aim #2: To determine if CoQ10 levels in post-CA patients can be increased with the administration of exogenous CoQ10.. We will perform a randomized control trial (RCT) of post-CA patients with the secondary endpoint of comparing CoQ10 levels among those randomized to CoQ10 supplementation vs placebo.


The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the effects of a prebiotic (Trametes Versicolor), a probiotic (Saccharomyces boulardii) and an antibiotic (amoxicillin) on the gut microbiota of healthy volunteers. It is expected that treatment will result in the rapid and reproducible alterations in fecal microbiota that will spontaneously reverse in the weeks after treatment is discontinued.


The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of individual characteristics, life stresses, and relationships over time on psychosocial outcomes (e.g. marriage, parenting, work) and physical health


The study objective is to assess the long term safety and effectiveness of Enteryx device in commercial use. The long-term effects beyond one year of treatment with Enteryx have not been established.


The purpose of this study is to gather data to see if the Laser Cane and/or U-Step Walker with laser accessory is more effective in aiding with gait freezing than a regular cane/U-Step Walker in patients who have idiopathic Parkinson's disease.


In this study Peg-Intron will be tested to see if it will give better results than Colchicine. At this time, there is currently no recommended maintenance treatment for patients who have failed to respond to Interferon/Rebetron/Peg Intron and have advanced fibrosis. The purpose of this study is to compare two treatments to slow down the progression of liver disease and to prevent liver failure and liver cancer. The treatment will not cure Hepatitis C, but is being evaluated to see if it can slow down disease progression.


The purpose of the study is to determine the opiate sparing effects of intravenously administered dexamethasone in outpatient knee surgery. Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid with well known antiemetic effects. However, the analgesic effects of dexamethasone have not been adequately researched. Following surgery, patients are typically discharged home with PO opiates to manage post-operative pain. The investigators believe that by using VAS (Visual Analog Scale) for Pain the investigators can show that a single dose of dexamethasone can reduce pain scales and opiate consumption post-operatively, on Post Operative Day (POD 1) when compared to placebo.


The investigators seek to examine the effect of add-on N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) in the early phase of schizophrenia spectrum illness in collaboration with researchers Kim Do, PhD, and Philippe Conus, MD in Switzerland. Modifications of brain structure are thought to occur during the pre-illness phase and around the transition to psychosis. Therefore, studying new treatments that could target changes occurring during this period is of critical importance.


Does add-on NAC treatment in early psychosis influence:

positive and negative symptoms

extrapyramidal side-effects of other medication

plasma concentration of glutathione

Mismatch Negativity, a physiological marker


This study looks at the potential benefits of combining cognitive training (mental exercises) together with transcranial magnetic stimulation (also known as TMS) to see if this can make a difference in the condition of people with Alzheimer's disease by improving their disease and the cognitive decline that goes along with it.


The purpose of the study is to see if administering intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) (putting immune globulin directly into your blood) helps to improve the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension (sudden fall in blood pressure when a person stands up) and quality of life in men and women who have autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG).


Malnutrition is an important complication of advanced kidney disease and impairment in smell and taste may affect nutritional status. This study will examine the association between impairment in smell and taste and nutritional and functional markers among patients with end stage renal disease, as well as risk factors for smell and taste impairment.


Cerebral autoregulation (CA) is a complex mechanism that serves the essential and vital purpose of controlling cerebral blood flow and metabolism. A stable and optimal brain blood flow is imperative for normal brain function. Diabetes Mellitus (DM ) is associated with microvascular disease that alters CA and also with autonomic failure that may lead to orthostatic hypotension (OH). These conditions may lead to decreased brain blood flow in upright position. This observational study will compare two technologies that evaluate brain blood flow during standing up and other maneuvers in people with and without type 2 diabetes. These technologies are transcranial Doppler and UTLight technology (CerOx). This study will determine the safety and feasibility of CerOx technology for continuous monitoring of cerebral blood flow.


The purpose of this protocol is to develop and test optimal delivery of aerosol furosemide, a treatment that has the potential to significantly improve symptom management and enhance the quality of care for patients with intractable dyspnea.


Simvastatin will attenutat IL-6 levels and lead to a more rapid shock reversal than placebo


The purpose of this research study is to determine whether we can purify and grow a population of cells from the participants blood (iNKT cells) and then safely give them back to the participant in increased numbers, and whether these cells will then stimulate the bodies own immune response against the cancer. These iNKT cells have been used in laboratory studies and information from these and other research studies suggest that increasing the number of these cells in the blood can stimulate the immune response against tumors.


The purpose of this study will be to determine whether giving leptin (r-metHuLeptin) to a person when he or she is fasting will reverse changes in metabolism, and hormone levels, and immune function associated with fasting, which decreases leptin levels.


The primary aim of this protocol is to determine whether the use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over vermis of the cerebellum may be safe and therapeutically effective in patients with schizophrenia. Because this is the first evaluation of this treatment in this population, the focus of this study is safety.


The purpose of this investigation was to determine if cyclic adjunctive progesterone supplement is superior to placebo in the treatment of intractable seizures in women with and without catamenial epilepsy.


The main purpose of this study is to help us understand the effects of diabetes medication Liraglutide on weight loss and hunger. The investigators have already determined what the highest tolerated dose of Liraglutide is through earlier human research studies. Liraglutide was approved by the FDA in January 2010 for treatment of diabetes.

The investigators will also study the following:

The impact of Liraglutide on brain responses to food

It's effect on physiological and mental performance

If its effect on the brain differs among obese and lean diabetic subjects.


Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) refers to a family of genetic diseases that cause progressive problems with gait and balance, as well as other debilitating symptoms. This is a randomized controlled pilot study to test a novel therapeutic intervention that uses noninvasive magnetic brain stimulation to improve functional outcomes in patients with SCA. The study will include quantitative evaluations of gait, balance, and brain physiology to examine possible objective end-points for a future, larger multi-site clinical trial. The investigators anticipate that patients receiving the real intervention will show a functional gain.


Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a very effective, long-acting method of contraception. In order to make them accessible to women, health care providers must be trained to insert them. Physicians, physician assistant, and nurse practitioners often learn how to do so by first learning about IUDs, then practicing on a model that the IUD manufacturer provides.

Educators have recently been using more sophisticated models to teach clinical skills such as surgical procedures. We are investigating whether these models may be more useful in teaching IUD insertion.


The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that patients with non-neuropathic POTS will have different responsiveness than patients with neuropathic POTS to direct alpha-1 adrenoreceptor agonist therapy (droxidopa) and to non-selective beta-adrenoreceptor antagonist therapy (atenolol).

The specific goal of this protocol is to investigate the effect of atenolol and droxidopa on cardiovascular autonomic functions such as cardiovagal control, sympathetic nerve activity, and sympathetic vascular transduction, systemic hemodynamic response to orthostatic stress and on the quality of life in neuropathic and non-neuropathic patients with postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

Standardized tests are used to assess cardiovagal control function, sympathetic nerve activity, sympathetic vascular transduction, systemic hemodynamic response to head-up tilt test and standardized questionnaires to assess the quality of life in patients with POTS.

The cardiovagal, sympathetic and hemodynamic measurements are performed after and during drug administration. To control the effect of medications placebo is used on separate testing visits. The order of drugs and placebo is randomized.


The major goal of this project is to determine whether the use of physiologic doses of corticosteroids will decrease time to shock reversal, alters the inflammatory cascade, and alters microcirculatory flow in post-cardiac arrest patients.


The purpose of this study is to determine whether administration of an investigational medication called leptin (r-metHuLeptin) in replacement doses can improve bone health, reproductive function, hormone levels, immune function, and overall sense of well-being in women with hypothalamic (exercise-induced) amenorrhea (HA) who are being treated with oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), compared to placebo. Women with hypothalamic amenorrhea have low leptin levels. This study is based on the hypothesis that the relative leptin deficiency in women with hypothalamic (exercise-induced) amenorrhea may be the reason for the lack of menstrual cycles, hormone abnormalities, and bone loss associated with this condition.


The major goal of this project is to determine whether the use of thiamine in patients with septic shock will result in attenuation of lactic acidosis and a more rapid reversal of shock.


The purpose of this study is to examine whether replacing leptin to normal levels can reverse the changes in fat distribution, lipid profile, and other metabolic problems associated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)-induced lipodystrophy and metabolic syndrome in HIV patients.


The purpose of this study is to determine whether excipients in the liquid formulation of acetaminophen prevent the formation of the toxic metabolites of acetaminophen.


The purpose of this study is to determine if deep brain stimulation can change brain oxygen levels in people with Parkinson's Disease. Measurements will be taken using a non-invasive device while subjects are both on and off their medications, and while their stimulator is in the on and off setting.


This randomized controlled trial is designed to test the feasibility and efficacy of a novel 10-week mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) on weight maintenance as well as behavioral and psychosocial outcomes in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery.

Primary hypothesis:

Bariatric patients who have stopped losing weight (< 5 lbs weight loss in past month) 1-5 years post-surgery will be willing to participate in this 10-week intervention. The investigators expect a high adherence rate (>70%) and no issues with meeting recruitment goals.

Secondary hypotheses:

Patients assigned to the MBI will show greater improvement in a) weight control (defined by differences in body weight between baseline and follow-up); b) eating behaviors (binge eating, emotional eating); and c) psychosocial measures (quality of life, depression, perceived stress, eating self-efficacy, coping ability) than a standard lifestyle intervention (1 hr lifestyle counseling).

Patients assigned to the MBI intervention will show greater improvement in biomarkers of stress and inflammation [salivary cortisol, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha)] as compared with a standard lifestyle intervention.

Food-related attentional bias as measured by the food-related Stroop task will be differentially affected among patients assigned to the MBI as compared with the intensive lifestyle intervention and standard lifestyle intervention.


The presence of intracardiac thrombi and their propensity for systemic embolism is a major concern in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter (AFL) undergoing cardioversion and ablation procedures. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is the clinical gold standard imaging modality for visualization of the right atrial appendage (RAA) and left atrial appendage (LAA) for detection of thrombi as well as risk factors associated with thrombus formation, including spontaneous echo contrast and low LAA velocity. However, TEE is a moderately invasive procedure that incurs additional risk, cost, and patient discomfort. In addition, thrombus detection via TEE may be ambiguous, and another tool capable of confirming uncertain TEE findings is desirable. This is particularly crucial in cases when adequate LAA imaging cannot be acquired or if TEE is clinically contraindicated, requiring alternative imaging modalities that can visualize these structures.

Phased-array intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) provides high-imaging resolution and is routinely used during atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation procedures for transseptal puncture and periprocedural catheter visualization. A majority of imaging acquired during AF ablation is performed with the ICE catheter in the right atrium (RA). However, these standard views are often unable to provide sufficient visualization of the LAA structure due to the relatively long distance between the ICE catheter and LAA.

Placement of the ICE catheter in the pulmonary artery (PA) provides improved visualization of the LAA over other locations by reducing the anatomic distance between the imaging catheter and structure of interest. Recent retrospective studies have confirmed improved assessment of the LAA with ICE imaging from the PA and equivocal sensitivity and specificity when compared with TEE for evaluation of LAA thrombus. However, these studies did not systematically evaluate the presence of SEC, flow velocity, the LAA dimensions, or the RAA.

Although these studies support the use of ICE imaging from the PA to clarify or confirm TEE findings, a prospective and blinded study evaluating both the LAA and RAA in its entirety is required. We hypothesize that this prospective and blinded study will confirm ICE as non-inferior to TEE in the assessment of LAA and RAA structure and for the detection of thrombi.


Atrial fibrillation is a very common complication of pulmonary resection. Patients who develop atrial fibrillation require additional treatment and are more likely to stay in the hospital for longer period of time increasing the costs associated with the operation. We propose a randomized controlled trial to see if oral amiodarone given for one week before surgery can prevent atrial fibrillation after pulmonary resection. We plan to evaluate the incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients who received preoperative amiodarone and compare them to the incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients who did not received preoperative amiodarone.


The overall hypotheses of this project is that severe sepsis is associated with endothelial dysfunction; that endothelial dysfunction, in turn, is predictive of subsequent organ failure and death; and that protocolized resuscitation attenuates endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction and improves patient survival.


The overall hypotheses of this project is that Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used to identify morbidity, mortality, and resource utilization in patients with sepsis and septic shock.


The purpose of this study is to determine the ideal dosage of intrathecal morphine for intra and post partum analgesia, while minimizing the side effect profile.


This study aims to determine if Ubiquinol (reduced form of COQ10) will attenuate mitochondrial injury and decrease inflammatory response in patients suffering from sepsis.


This research is a Phase I clinical trial. Phase I clinical trials test the safety of an investigational drug. Phase I studies also try to define the appropriate dose of the investigational drug to use for further studies. "Investigational" means that the drug is still being studied and that research doctors are trying to find out more about it. It also means that the FDA has not approved lenalidomide for your type of cancer.

Lenalidomide is a drug that alters the immune system and it may also interfere with the development of tiny blood vessels that help support tumor growth. Therefore, this study will determine the effect of lenalidomide on the growth of cancer cells. Lenalidomide is approved by the FDA for the treatment of specific types of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and in combination with dexamethasone for patients with multiple myeloma (MM) who have received at least 1 prior therapy. MDS and MM are cancers of the blood. It is currently being tested in a variety of cancer conditions. In this case it is considered experimental.

There are some participants with multiple myeloma or lymphoma who have had very long remissions after a bone marrow/stem cell transplantation from another person. This is believed to be the effect of the donor's immune system reaction against the recipient's multiple myeloma cells. It is hoped that due to lenalidomide altering the immune system, it might be able to potentiate that reaction. This study is being done to determine if the use of lenalidomide is safe in transplant participants and if it can facilitate an immune reaction resulting in regression of the myeloma or lymphoma.

During this study you will be evaluated for side effects from the treatment with lenalidomide (including graft versus host disease) and for response of the myeloma to the treatment. There will be two groups of participants in the study. The first group will be treated at a relatively low dose of lenalidomide. If this is found to be safe then the second group will be treated at a higher dose


It is our primary hypothesis that statin drugs impair skeletal muscle mitochondrial function and that ubiquinol (the reduced active form of CoQ10) supplementation will block impairment of PCr recovery kinetics in patients using statins. The investigators propose a pilot study to extend our research to examine PCr recovery kinetics in 20 statin users randomized in a parallel arm study to either ubiquinol or placebo over 4 weeks.


Patients who have stents placed in their coronary arteries require treatment with at least two medications to prevent platelets from sticking to the stainless steel stent and forming a blood clot that can result in a heart attack. The 2 anti-platelet medications used for most patients with stents are aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavix). These are usually prescribed for 1-12 months (the length of time depends on the number and types of stents implanted). Although the typical long-term dose of clopidogrel is 75 mg by mouth once daily, a larger dose (known as a loading dose) is usually given at the start of treatment to help the medication take effect more quickly.

Prior to January 2006, most patients at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) who were undergoing PCI and who had not already been taking clopidogrel would receive a loading dose of 300-600 mg of clopidogrel in the cardiac catheterization procedure room immediately after the angioplasty and stenting portion of the procedure. However, several recent studies suggest that administering clopidogrel 600 mg at least two hours prior to an angioplasty procedure can reduce the rate of complications afterwards (especially reducing the chances of detectable damage to the heart muscle).

The main purpose of this study is to see whether giving a loading dose of clopidogrel 600 mg to outpatients scheduled to undergo cardiac catheterization with coronary angiography can decrease the risk of procedure-related complications during the 14 days following the cardiac catheterization compared to a strategy of giving clopidogrel 600 mg after the procedure only to those who undergo angioplasty. We will focus our attention particularly on detecting damage to heart muscle following angioplasty (which might be expected to improve with a loading dose of clopidogrel before the procedure) and on bleeding and other groin complications (which might worsen with clopidogrel loading before the procedure).

The drug clopidogrel has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in patients with a recent or ongoing heart attack, narrowings in major blood vessels outside the heart, or recent stroke with a loading dose of 300 mg followed by 75 mg once daily. It has been used in several large studies with a loading dose of 600 mg without a significant increase in major adverse effects. However, we do not yet know if it is useful or safe when given as a loading dose of 600 mg before cardiac catheterization for outpatients with stable symptoms and who are not thought to be in the midst of a heart attack.


The purpose of this study is to determine if repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a method of noninvasive brain stimulation) is effective in the treatment of the motor (movement) and mood symptoms due to Parkinson's disease (PD).


There are limited treatment options available for patients with advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and safety of the drugs capecitabine and oxaliplatin in patients who have been diagnosed with advanced and metastatic PDAC treated in the first and second lines.