Aerosol Inhalation Treatment for Dyspnea - Patients

Aerosol Inhalation Treatment for Dyspnea - Patients


This is the second study in a series of studies investigating the treatment effect of aerosolized furosemide on hospitalized patients and outpatients with intractable dyspnea. The study will focus on patients who experience intractable dyspnea at rest or with minimal activity, e.g., dressing, bathing, cooking, or walking stairs or short distances.

There are two parts to this study: Study 2a is a pilot study on 5-10 patients. These trials are not blinded or placebo controlled; the investigators will use them to discover practical problems, and take the information back to the laboratory to develop solutions. We enrolled 7 subjects for Study 2a.

Study 2b will a randomized, placebo - controlled, double- blind study on 25 - 40 patients. The two planned treatments will be aerosolized furosemide and aerosolized saline, and will be given to each patient on two separate days. We failed to reach our enrollment goal, and ultimately enrolled 17 subjects for participation in Study 2b.