Intraocular Pressure Control Following One Site Versus Two Site Combined Phacoemulsification/IOL And Trabeculectomy

Intraocular Pressure Control Following One Site Versus Two Site Combined Phacoemulsification/IOL And Trabeculectomy


The purpose of this study is to determine whether a Two-Site Technique for the Combined Procedure for subjects with coexisting visually significant glaucoma & cataracts will result in an improvement in IOP control in both the immediate and longer term postoperative period as compared with the currently Standard One Site surgical technique for both glaucoma and cataracts.

Research and data indicate that the success rate of the glaucoma part of this operation may be improved if the incision for the cataract part of the operation is separated from the drainage hole created for the glaucoma part, the constant drainage through this hole is what lowers the intraocular pressure after surgery. Using the Two-Site Combined procedure the glaucoma incision(drainage hole) will still be created superiorly, under the upper lid. The cataract incision will be moved to the temporal side of the eye ball, away from the drainage hole for the glaucoma.