Inner Engineering Online (IEO) Intervention for a Specific Company Employee Program

Inner Engineering Online (IEO) Intervention for a Specific Company Employee Program


The benign behavioral intervention involved is Inner Engineering Online (IEO), a mind-body course that incorporates meditation and yoga, as well as reading a book or journal of their choice.The subjects will be randomized into two groups after they agree to the participate in the study. The study will be conducted in 2 phases.

Phase 1: If they are in group 1, they will participate in IEO which includes practice of meditation & yoga daily for a minimum of 30 minutes and complete a IEO activity log for 30 days.They will be asked to complete a set of questionnaires at baseline and after 30 days.If they are in group 2, they are asked to read a book or journal of their choice for 30 minutes each day for the first 30 days and complete a reading log.

Phase 2: After they complete reading for 30 days, group 2 participants will now participate in IEO which includes practice of meditation & yoga daily for a minimum of 30 minutes and complete an IEO activity log for the next 30 days. They are asked to complete a set of questionnaires at baseline, 30 days, and at 60 days.

These questionnaires aim to assess for burnout, stress, and well-being. These include:

Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey - 16 item questionnaire measuring burnout

Perceived Stress Scale - 10 item questionnaire measuring stress

Center for Epidemiology Studies depression Scale (CES-D) - 20 item questionnaire measuring depression

Emotional Distress and Anxiety Short Form - 7 item questionnaire measuring anxiety

Joy subscale of the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale - 6 item questionnaire measuring happiness

Mindful Attention Awareness Scale - 15 item questionnaire measuring mindfulness

Finally, participants of both the groups will be subjected to a 30 day follow-up surveys after a month of IEO completion. They will receive a set of previously administered questionnaire and a compliance survey at this point. Group 1 participants receive this survey at the 60 day time point while Group 2 participants receive it at 90 days.