Double Blind Study of Hypertonic Saline vs Mannitol in the Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP).

Double Blind Study of Hypertonic Saline vs Mannitol in the Management of Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP).


There is growing evidence in the literature indicating that ICP and Cerebral Perfusion Pressure measurements may not be sufficient in the management of elevated ICP. Based on this evidence, monitoring of partial brain tissue oxygenation has gain acceptance among neurosurgeons and neurointensivists, and has become a standard of care monitor in some centers across the country. There is, however, insufficient information in the literature describing the effects of hyperosmolar medications on regional brain tissue oxygenation.

We intend to undertake this non-inferiority, prospective, randomized double-blind study to answer very important clinical questions not yet answered in the literature: Will hypertonic saline therapy, given at equiosmolar load, be non-inferior to mannitol in reducing elevated ICP?