EPVent 2- A Phase II Study of Mechanical Ventilation Directed by Transpulmonary Pressures

EPVent 2- A Phase II Study of Mechanical Ventilation Directed by Transpulmonary Pressures


This phase II prospective randomized controlled trial of ventilation directed by esophageal pressure measurements will enroll 200 patients with moderate to severe ARDS by the Berlin conference definition in several academic medical centers in North America. The control group will be ventilated using an alternative high-PEEP strategy with PEEP and FiO2 set using to an empiric table.

Plasma samples will be obtained at enrollment and days 3 and 7 and assessed for a variety of lung injury biomarkers to better assess the association between our intervention and the inflammation associated with mechanical ventilation and the development of ARDS. Hospital survivors will undergo a brief follow up phone survey to assess survival, functional status (Barthel Index), health-related QOL (Short Form 12), and frailty (VES) twelve months after enrollment.

The study length will be six years with a six month start-up period followed by a planned 50 month enrollment and twelve month follow-up.