tDCS for the Management of Chronic Visceral Pain in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis

tDCS for the Management of Chronic Visceral Pain in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis


This is a double-blind, pilot study with the goal of testing the effects of tDCS coupled with meditation in the management of visceral pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis. We will enroll a total of 14 subjects with chronic pancreatitis. After enrollment, subjects will be randomized to active stimulation plus mediation (7 subjects) or sham stimulation plus meditation (7 subjects). Subjects will undergo 5 days of active tDCS stimulation plus meditation or sham tDCS plus meditation. Sessions will last approximately 30 min - 1 hour. EEG activity will be measured in the first, last and follow-up visits. After each stimulation session, we will assess for adverse effects using the tDCS adverse effects questionnaire. We will also have the subject fill out a pain/medication diary during the 5 days of treatment. All study procedures will be completed at BIDMC.